Best Team Cheer
As an introduction to our events we always start by welcoming the various teams, over the years this has become something of a laugh and a big cheer etc, we recognise this now by featuring the team cheers.
Event: Michelham Priory December 2017
At our Michelham Priory events we don’t want to disturb the neighbours to the location so we opted for a silent team cheer. Looking at the video from this section i think i will choose team Bravo Hotel as winners because of them having the quietest silent team celebration.
Event: St Mary in the Castle November 2017
Well done team Mile Lima although the sound levels were all the same you were the furthest away.
Event: Michelham Priory October 28th 2017
Well done team Zulu Hotel. Michelham Priory winners October 27th 2017. Whole team participation and standing 😉
Event: Michelham Priory October 27th 2017
Well done team Mike Hotel. Michelham Priory winners October 27th 2017. Whole team participation and moves 😉
Event: Tonbridge Castle October 2017
Well done team Alpha Charlie with the biggest cheer at Tonbridge Castle event October 2017.
Event: Field Place October 2017
Well done team Tango Bravo with the biggest cheer at Field Place event October 2017.
Event: Wymering Manor October 2017
Well done team Zulu Hotel with the biggest cheer at Wymering Manor event October 2017.
Event: Newhaven Fort September 2017
Well done team Tango Bravo with the biggest cheer at Anne of Cleeves event September 2017.
Event: Anne of Cleeves House September 2017
Well done team Tango Bravo & Lima Foxtrot with the biggest cheers at the Newhaven Fort event September 2017.
Event: Wymering Manor July 2017
Well done team Bravo Hotel Wymering Manor winners July 2017. It was very close but you just pipped it (watch the left hand side audio meter)
Event: Michelham Priory June 2017
Well done team Lima Kilo Michelham Priory winners June 2017. Whole team participation and moves variation 😉
Event: Bursledon Brickworks May 2017
Well done team Lima Kilo Bursledon Brickworks winners May 2017. It was very close but you just pipped it (watch the left hand side audio meter)
Event: Newhaven Fort April 2017
Well done team Bravo Hotel the smallest team with the biggest cheer at Newhaven Fort event April 2017.
Event: Michelham Priory April 2017
At our Michelham Priory events we don’t want to disturb the neighbours to the location so we opted for a silent team cheer. Looking at the video from this section i think i will choose team Lima Kilo as winners because of their very animated yet silent team celebration.
Best Team Cheers
We are hoping to collect all of the team cheers on video from now on to feature here so we can place the winning teams in our hall of fame and perhaps at the end of the year (2017) see which team did the ultimate team cheer.
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