Newhaven Fort Ghost Hunts

Newhaven Fort
Reports of the supernatural are all over the fort, with many sightings seen in the caponier, a tunnel leading to the beach. Staff and visitors have been in this area feeling a presence close by.
The sounds of soldier’s boots are said to be heard marching through the corridors and various rooms and even air-raid sirens have been heard, echoes from the past. Tales of a ghostly drummer boy haunt the coastline and one mystery around the fort is that of Lord Lucan. After his disappearance in November 1974 his car was found abandoned at Newhaven. The police made a search of the fort and the tunnels, he has never been found dead or alive. So, who is it that is haunting this amazing location?
For one night, you can have the chance to try and experience these things yourself!
In small teams the mission will be to collect evidence using traditional methods such as séances and glass moving, right up to the latest ghost equipment using thermal imaging, infrared, electromagnetic field meters and so on. No experiment is compulsory as we do our best to identify who the ghosts of Newhaven Fort are, and why they haunt this location.
The cost for the night is £49 per head, 8.15pm for an 8.30pm start. The night will finish at 1:30am, by which time you will have had the chance to experience what it is like to be a paranormal investigator and had the opportunity to try a mixture of traditional techniques as well as modern technology to try to decide for yourselves – WHO HAUNTS Newhaven Fort ?.
Best evidence
Below are some audio anomalies from the various audio experiments conducted and from the team camera audio track taken from our event in April 2017
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