St Mary in the Castle Ghost Hunts

St Mary in the castle

St Mary in the Castle Ghost Hunts

Somebody watches from an empty seat in the stalls, witnessed by many people on separate occasions this was such an extraordinary experience it even caused a performer one night while in the middle of a show to completely stop half way through a song.A pink lady has been seen on a stair case. Weird sounds have been heard in the crypt area which still holds three coffins containing a woman, a man and a child to this day. The other bodies have been removed but the sound of knocks still come from the areas the other coffins were stored. Experience the atmosphere in Muriel Matters bedroom where she died in 1969. Muriel Matters was a big part of the Suffragette movement. Being followed and doors locking themselves are all part of the phenomena reported at this location. We have also witnessed a photograph which seems to contain a face formed from a mysterious mist taken at the location in 2014. Link here

The cost for the night is £45 per head, arrive at 8.00pm for an 8.30pm start. The night will finish at 1.30am, by which time you will have had the chance to experience what it is like to be a paranormal investigator, and had the opportunity to try a mixture of traditional techniques as well as modern technology to try to decide for yourselves – Who haunts St Mary in the castle?

May 29th 2020

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St Mary in the castle Hastings

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