Manor Farm
Our first visit to Manor Farm was June 30th 2018. The location is large and varied in its locations for holding vigils. We used the cottages one and two, The Barn and the now deconsecrated church St Bartholomew’s.
We had laid out eight infrared CCTV cameras covering the barn, the cottages and the church and graveyard with the images being send back for viewing on the internet and to our base room area which was another separate barn.
Video 1
To the right is a hi light video which was taken from the teams hand held cameras, it shows sections of each of their vigils around the various locations
Video 2
To the left is piece of footage taken from one of our CCTV cameras which was placed in the churchyard area. The location manager has told us that there have been many accounts of a ghostly woman who wanders this path. While we are aware that it is possible that this is a person out at almost 1am for a walk in a graveyard on their own, we know all of our guests were accounted for at the time in other locations. Is this the ghost of the walking lady of St Bartholomew’s. Which ever you believe it is still an interesting piece of footage.
Video 3
Manor Farm Highlights September 2020.
Pre rule of six, three teams, two of which were complete single bubbles and a third consisting of three socially distanced bubbles, three areas outside and three inside. Visors and masks always worn when they should of been and hand gels on every area. Well done everybody 🙂
Video 4
Manor Farm Highlights July 2021.
Small teams investigated the location at Manor Farm, Sounds in the Cotages, a thump and a voice in the barm, a shadow figure in the graveyard are just a few of what the teams caught on camera. Good job Teams!
The Incident Board
Below are the notes written by our guests as they conducted their vigils.
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